A Happy New Year to you all!
We hope you've had a good rest over Christmas, we certainly have (as well as one too many mince pies!)
It was a busy run up to the end of the year - as well as our 'Working with Parents' course in Herts, we completed 'Effective Communication with Children and Young People', 'Managing Negative Behaviour', and 'Youth Work' training with Barking and Dagenham Council. We're really pleased to have these additional qualifactions in our toolkit.
We also braved the snow and ran some taster sessions at the Queens Theatre Networking Event in Hornchurch. If you missed this event due to the snow, there's another chance to come along on the 17th February. For more info, see
www.queens-theatre.co.ukWhat we've got coming up next:
A 6 week 'Parents Matter Too' parenting course in Herts
Taster sessions with Beautology in Hornchurch, Essex - watch this space
Attending the St Francis Hospice Valentine's Ball - support this great cause and come along (see
www.sfh.org.uk for details)
And finally, our quote for an optimistic New Year:
'Optimist: someone who figures that taking a step backward after taking a step forward is not a disaster, it's a cha-cha' Robert Brault