Nearly all of our news from the summer is somehow related to schools and young people and now the summer is coming to an end and everyone is getting ready to go back to school we are reflecting on some of the projects we have been involved in.
Before the summer break we ran a workshop for parents on ‘Limiting Beliefs’ as part of the Family Matters Project in Hertfordshire. Thank you for everyone involved, we took a lot away from the workshop and hope you did to!! We also got involved in the Young Enterprise Charity in schools by delivering workshops on community and business to primary school children in the Herford area.
Chris and Ros will be joining the masses returning to school in September by attending a City and Guilds Accreditation in Working With Parents to gain an award to allow us to continue the work we have been doing in association with schools.
During the summer holidays we focused on the young people of the community in Barking and Dagenham by running a series of workshops for 14 to 25 year olds to help them realise their potential and boost their confidence in their quest to better themselves and their job prospects. We worked with some very special and unique individuals and would like to say thank you for letting us be part of your future and hope we have inspired you to make positive changes to help shape a brighter future for you all.
Chris has been volunteering for a Youth Club in Dagenham for 11 to 17 year olds by running the arts and craft table on a weekly basis, we would love to hear about other community projects we could get involved in, so my not get in touch and see if we can help and mention your project in our next news letter.
We have also been working on our products and are happy to announce the launch of our new Bronze, Silver and Gold Packages starting from just £1000.00 for a full day’s training including leave behind © produts. Have a look around the new look website and find our more about our new Training & Coaching Products @
Before the summer break we ran a workshop for parents on ‘Limiting Beliefs’ as part of the Family Matters Project in Hertfordshire. Thank you for everyone involved, we took a lot away from the workshop and hope you did to!! We also got involved in the Young Enterprise Charity in schools by delivering workshops on community and business to primary school children in the Herford area.
Chris and Ros will be joining the masses returning to school in September by attending a City and Guilds Accreditation in Working With Parents to gain an award to allow us to continue the work we have been doing in association with schools.
During the summer holidays we focused on the young people of the community in Barking and Dagenham by running a series of workshops for 14 to 25 year olds to help them realise their potential and boost their confidence in their quest to better themselves and their job prospects. We worked with some very special and unique individuals and would like to say thank you for letting us be part of your future and hope we have inspired you to make positive changes to help shape a brighter future for you all.
Chris has been volunteering for a Youth Club in Dagenham for 11 to 17 year olds by running the arts and craft table on a weekly basis, we would love to hear about other community projects we could get involved in, so my not get in touch and see if we can help and mention your project in our next news letter.
We have also been working on our products and are happy to announce the launch of our new Bronze, Silver and Gold Packages starting from just £1000.00 for a full day’s training including leave behind © produts. Have a look around the new look website and find our more about our new Training & Coaching Products @